12th Cavalry
Daily FRAGOs
From 30OCT–23NOV06 1-12 CAV utilized the publication of Daily FRAGOs as a tool to synchronize battalion operations and to issue guidance to subordinate units. As the battalion settled into its OPTEMPO the use of Daily FRAGOs was no longer necessary with synch meetings, targeting meetings, emails, and direct face-to-face contact sufficient to fulfill daily operational requirements.
Within the beginning of OPERATION ARROWHEAD RIPPER and with attachment to 3-2 SBCT O/A 20JUN07, 1-12 CAV restarted issuing Daily FRAGOs on 14JUN07. The increased OPTEMPO and increased operational requirements placed upon the battalion by 3-2 SBCT necessitated daily battalion FRAGO publication in order to fulfill all higher orders. While attached to 3-2 SBCT, 1-12 CAV received that brigade’s version of the Daily FRAGO, which was the Daily Tactical Update or DTU.